PDF Pack Release 4
264.52 MB
2013-2-10 08:13
2025-3-14 05:16
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:35B3B3F844936BE83958E14AF91040ED5F430BA8&dn=PDF Pack Release 4
PDF Pack Release 4.torrent
Selbstreproduktion bei programmen.pdf37.66MB
Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology.pdf29.08MB
Malware Forensics Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Code.pdf25.03MB
Malware Von Viren, Wuermern, Hackern und Trojanern und wie man sich vor ihnen schuetzt.pdf21.58MB
Malware Detection.pdf18.48MB
PC Magazine Fighting Spyware Viruses and Malware.pdf10.41MB
Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD.pdf8.92MB
Mobile Malware Attacks and Defense.pdf6.74MB
On self-reproducing computer programs.pdf6.2MB
Rogue Computer Programs.pdf4.32MB
Malicious crypto - (Ab)use cryptology.pdf3.82MB
Malicious crypto.pdf3.82MB
Modeling the Spread and Prevention of Malicious Mobile Code Via Simulation.pdf2.23MB
Peer-to-Peer Botnets Analysis and Detection.pdf2.18MB
Multi-Stage Delivery of Malware.pdf2.01MB
On Callgraphs and Generative Mechanisms.pdf1.85MB
Malicious origami in PDF.pdf1.83MB
Mechanics of Self-reproduction.pdf1.7MB
Some Further Theoretical Results about Computer Viruses.pdf1.63MB
Prepared testimony and statement for the record on computer virus legislation.pdf1.51MB
Rotalum A Tool for Automatic Reverse Engineering of Malware Emulators.pdf1.48MB
Simulating malware with MAlSim.pdf1.4MB
Morality and Technology, or Is it Wrong to Create and Let Loose a Computer Virus.pdf1.34MB
Notes on the Worms programs.pdf1.27MB
Polymorphic and Metamorphic Malware Detection.pdf1.27MB
Stoned Bootkit.pdf1.22MB
On Effectiveness of Defense Systems against Active Worms.pdf1.2MB
Reverse Code Engineering An In-Depth Analysis of the Bagle Virus.pdf1.17MB
SPARSE A Hybrid System to Detect Malcode-Bearing Documents.pdf1.17MB
Measuring and Modeling Computer Virus Prevalence.pdf1.16MB
Should We Teach Virus Writing.pdf1.11MB
Model for network behaviour under viral attack.pdf1.1MB
Practical Detection of Metamorphic Computer Viruses.pdf1.09MB
Measurement and Analysis of Worm Propagation on Internet Network Topology.pdf1.07MB
Practical overview of a Xen covert channel.pdf1.07MB
Metamorphic Virus Analysis and Detection.pdf1.04MB
Non-signature based virus detection.pdf992.05KB
Procedures To Reduce The Computer Virus Threat.pdf975.59KB
Metaphors and Modern Threats Biological, Computer, and Cognitive Viruses.pdf962.27KB
Quantitative risk assessment of computer virus attacks on computer networks.pdf961.24KB
Rootkits - Detection and prevention.pdf929.82KB
Small treatise about e-manipulation for honest people.pdf915.25KB
Malware behaviour analysis.pdf899.34KB
Panic computing The viral metaphor and computer technology.pdf876.41KB
Profile hidden Markov models and metamorphic virus detection.pdf864.56KB
Static Detection of Malicious Code in Executable Programs.pdf792.12KB
Modeling Malware Spreading Dynamics.pdf789.93KB
Morphological Detection of Malware.pdf786.65KB
Specification and evaluation of polymorphic shellcode properties using a new temporal logic.pdf786.02KB
Measuring virtual machine detection in malware using DSD tracer.pdf763.83KB
Static detection and identification of X86 malicious executables A multidisciplinary approach.pdf688.16KB
Server-based Virus-protection On UnixLinux.pdf684.08KB
Modeling the Effects of Timing Parameters on Virus Propagation.pdf678.01KB
New data mining technique to enhance IDS alarms quality.pdf671.81KB
Opcodes as Predictor for Malware.pdf660.17KB
Modeling the Spread of Active Worms.pdf632.31KB
Malware Detection using Attribute-Automata to parse Abstract Behavioral Descriptions.pdf630.55KB
Prophylaxis for virus propagation and general computer security policy.pdf617.09KB
Modeling Computer Viruses.pdf595.47KB
Polymorphic virus detection technology.pdf579.48KB
Modeling Epidemic Spreading in Mobile Environments.pdf573.48KB
Shadow Walker - Raising The Bar For Rootkit Detection.pdf557.04KB
SBMDS an interpretable string based malware detection system using SVM ensemble with bagging.pdf533.29KB
Modeling Botnet Propagation Using Time Zones.pdf528.43KB
Predators Good Will Mobile Codes Combat against Computer Viruses.pdf513.91KB
SmartSiren Virus Detection and Alert for Smartphones.pdf508.67KB
Malware Detection Based on Suspicious Behavior Identification.pdf491.92KB
On the trade-off between speed and resiliency of Flash worms and similar malcodes.pdf487.15KB
Password Cracking A Game of Wits.pdf476.59KB
Malware, Viruses and Log Visualisation.pdf474.26KB
PE-Miner Mining Structural Information to Detect Malicious Executables in Realtime.pdf463.99KB
Supervisory control of malicious executables.pdf462.63KB
Scalable, Behavior-Based Malware Clustering.pdf461.53KB
Network Virus Propagation Model Based on Effects of Removing Time and User Vigilance.pdf447.71KB
Sobig, sobigger, sobiggest.pdf446.92KB
On JavaScript Malware and related threats.pdf436.09KB
Modeling computer virus prevalence with a susceptible-infected-susceptible model with reintroduction.pdf433.17KB
Modern operating systems.pdf424.98KB
Malicious Software in Mobile Devices.pdf394.89KB
Mimimorphism A New Approach to Binary Code Obfuscation.pdf386.95KB
Malware pattern scanning schemes secure against black-box analysis.pdf384.81KB
Metaphors And Meta-Experiences In Technology Side Effects A Multimedia Exhibit.pdf380.11KB
On the possibility of practically obfuscating programs.pdf372.56KB
Misleading Modern Malware.pdf369.55KB
Metamorphism, Formal Grammars and Undecidable Code Mutation.pdf369.41KB
SinFP, unification of active and passive operating system fingerprinting.pdf363.69KB
Shield -- A First Line Worm Defense.pdf361.59KB
Malicious Software.pdf360KB
Mathematical models on computer viruses.pdf353.47KB
Old Win32 Code for a Modern Super-stealth Trojan.pdf351.79KB
Reverse Engineering Malware.pdf351.44KB
Research in Computer Viruses and Worms.pdf349.27KB
Rootkit Hunting vs. Compromise Detection.pdf339.67KB
On the Infeasibility of Modeling Polymorphic Shellcode for Signature Detection.pdf334.64KB
Profiles in cyber courage.pdf330.69KB
Polymorphing Software by Randomizing Data Structure Layout.pdf323.75KB
Model-Based Analysis of Two Fighting Worms.pdf319.98KB
Self-reproducing machines.pdf315.44KB
On Instant Messaging Worms, Analysis and Countermeasures [slides].pdf312.52KB
Malware Normalization.pdf312KB
Software Transformations to Improve Malware Detection.pdf306.87KB
Malware Detection using Statistical Analysis of Byte-Level File Content.pdf303.74KB
Static Analysis of Executables to Detect Malicious Patterns.pdf302.96KB
Malicious Codes in Depth.pdf298.1KB
Response to the Proposal for a Virus database.pdf296.43KB
Pairwise alignment of metamorphic computer viruses.pdf294.4KB
Source Code Analysis of Worms.pdf290.02KB
Malware Research at SMU.pdf288.75KB
Signature Generation and Detection of Malware Families.pdf287.11KB
Queuing theory based models for studying intrusion evolution and elimination in computer networks.pdf277.47KB
MalwareA Future Framework for Device, Network and Service Management.pdf275.17KB
Quantum Malware.pdf273.4KB
Recent Worms A Survey and Trends.pdf268.18KB
Simulating and optimising worm propagation algorithms.pdf267.71KB
New thoughts in ring3 NT rootkit.pdf260.45KB
Parallels Between Biological and Computer Epidemics.pdf260.11KB
Malware Detection Using Adaptive Data Compression.pdf256.94KB
Marginal Networks The Virus between Complexity and Suppression.pdf251.75KB
RFID Security Issues in Military Supply Chains.pdf250.28KB
Polymorphic Worm Detection Using Structural Information of Executables.pdf249.88KB
On the Performance of Internet Worm Scanning Strategies.pdf248.72KB
New malware distribution methods threaten signature-based AV.pdf247.54KB
Malware comes of age The arrival of the true computer parasite.pdf243.62KB
Sandbox Technology Inside AV Scanners.pdf240.61KB
Modelling Development of Epidemics with Dynamic Small-World Networks.pdf233.12KB
Semantics-Aware Malware Detection.pdf231.05KB
Reflections on Trusting Trust.pdf219.77KB
On the Spread of Viruses on the Internet.pdf217.7KB
Malware Phylogeny Generation using Permutations of Code.pdf216.92KB
N-gram analysis for computer virus detection.pdf216.52KB
Models of Active Worm Defenses.pdf210.3KB
Supercompilation for Equivalence Testing in Metamorphic Computer Viruses Detection.pdf208.98KB
Securing Instant Messaging.pdf206.85KB
On the Time Complexity of Computer Viruses.pdf205.62KB
Self-Nonself Discrimination in a Computer.pdf205.01KB
SubVirt Implementing malware with virtual machines.pdf204.53KB
On abstract computer virology from a recursion-theoretic perspective.pdf204.23KB
Rebels for the System Virus writers, general intellect, cyberpunk and criminal capitalism.pdf202.06KB
Stay Safe Online Campaign's AntiVirus Presentation.pdf200.44KB
Strong Cryptography Armoured Computer Viruses Forbidding Code Analysis the Bradley Virus.pdf196.26KB
Shield Vulnerability-Driven Network Filters for Preventing Known Vulnerability Exploits.pdf194.96KB
Monitoring and Early Warning for Internet Worms.pdf194.86KB
Slack Space Sculpting the computer monsters -- virus inspiration.pdf192.58KB
On Deriving Unknown Vulnerabilities from Zero-Day Polymorphic and Metamorphic Worm Exploits.pdf191.45KB
Software Diversity as a Defense Against Viral Propagation Models and Simulations.pdf190.05KB
Rootkits Analysis and Detection.pdf189.64KB
New threats of Java viruses.pdf182.55KB
Stack Shape Analysis to Detect Obfuscated calls in Binaries.pdf182.05KB
On Computer Viral Infection and the Effect of Immunization.pdf179.75KB
On abstract computer virology from a recursion theoretic perspective.pdf177.55KB
Networks, Control, and Life-Forms.pdf173.68KB
Polygraph Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms.pdf170.82KB
Malicious Cryptography Kleptographic Aspects.pdf167.57KB
Open problems in computer virology.pdf166.67KB
Software Vaccine Technique and Its Application in Early Virus Finding and Tracing.pdf165.24KB
On the Semantics of Self-Unpacking Malware Code.pdf163.93KB
MetaAware Identifying Metamorphic Malware.pdf163.21KB
Normalizing Metamorphic Malware Using Term Rewriting.pdf160.86KB
Survey on Malware Detection Methods.pdf159.13KB
Some human dimensions of computer virus creation and infection.pdf156.42KB
Superworms and Cryptovirology a Deadly Combination.pdf153.5KB
Revealing Packed Malware.pdf153.06KB
Seminar Report on Study of Viruses and Worms.pdf151.73KB
Suppressing the spread of email malcode using short-term message recall.pdf150.98KB
Routing Worm A Fast, Selective Attack Worm based on IP Address Information.pdf149.3KB
Network Worms.pdf149.15KB
SirCamstantial Evidence.pdf148.49KB
Statistical Signatures for Fast Filtering of Instruction-substituting Metamorphic Malware.pdf147.96KB
On the Effectiveness of Address-Space Randomization.pdf146.86KB
Owning Antivirus.pdf145.12KB
Scary Networks Viruses as Discursive Practice.pdf144.74KB
Malware in Popular Networks.pdf133.19KB
Modern Methods of Detecting and Eradicating Known and Unknown Viruses.pdf129.79KB
Modeling Virus Propagation in Peer-to-Peer Networks.pdf128.96KB
Potential Threats to WAP Enabled Devices.pdf128.85KB
Managing Computer Viruses in a Groupware Environment.pdf124.35KB
Prosecuting Computer Virus Authors The Need for an Adequate and Immediate International Solution.pdf121.81KB
Self- information systems why not.pdf119.95KB
Mind Wars Attack of the Memes.pdf119.82KB
On behavioral detection.pdf119.38KB
On the definition and classification of cybercrime.pdf117.31KB
On the functional validity of the worm-killing worm.pdf115.97KB
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Worm Effects on the Internet Routing Infrastructure.pdf115.3KB
New method of fighting computer viruses announced.pdf114.79KB
Nematodes - Beneficial Worms.pdf114.01KB
Parallel analysis of polymorphic viral code using automated deduction system.pdf112.79KB
Mathematical Viruses.pdf111.5KB
Modular worms.pdf107.9KB
Structuring ethical curricula in the information age.pdf106.98KB
Powerful virus hits computers.pdf100.32KB
Stochastic Features of Computer Viruses.pdf95.69KB
Spyware and Rootkits - The Future Convergence.pdf93.57KB
One-hit models for virus inactivation studies.pdf91.5KB
Mathematical Model of Computer Viruses.pdf90.23KB
Spyware A Little Knowledge is a Wonderful Thing.pdf88.74KB
Reports of computer viruses on the increase.pdf88.37KB
Painting the Internet A Different Kind of Warhol Worm.pdf84.13KB
N-gram-based Detection of New Malicious Code.pdf83.59KB
Mobile Code Threats, Fact or Fiction.pdf83.15KB
Next-Generation Viruses Present New Challenges.pdf83.05KB
Poison Ivy Farmers Virus Collections.pdf79.94KB
Malicious Threats to Personal Digital Assistants.pdf78.75KB
Resolution based metamorphic computer virus detection using redundancy control strategy.pdf78.68KB
Possible Vicarious Liability for Computer Users in the USA.pdf74KB
Malware analysis for windows administrators.pdf72.65KB
Simulating Bandwidth-Limited Worms, One Graph to Rule Them All.pdf72.47KB
Prophet and loss.pdf71.96KB
Spyware & Rootkits.pdf70.8KB
Reliable Identification of Bounded-length Viruses is NP-complete.pdf69.54KB
Static Analysis of Binary Code to Isolate Malicious Behaviors.pdf67.68KB
Malicious Data and Computer Security.pdf63.94KB
Real world anti-virus product reviews and evaluations - the current state of affairs.pdf59.27KB
Reply to Comment on Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection by E. Makinen - Thimbleby.pdf58.52KB
Principles of a Computer Immune System.pdf58.29KB
Reductions of the general virus detection problem.pdf57.24KB
Paradise lost.pdf55.88KB
Prescription Medicine.pdf51.92KB
Raised hacklez.pdf50.04KB
Self-Replicating Turing Machines and Computer Viruses.pdf48.03KB
Striking Similarities.pdf47.23KB
Mostly harmless.pdf45.6KB
Protection of computer systems from computer viruses ethical and practical issues.pdf43.01KB
Open Problems in Computer Virus Research.pdf41.74KB
Malicious Cryptography Cryptovirology and Kleptography.pdf41.67KB
Not Teaching Viruses and Worms Is Harmful.pdf39.92KB
Reply to Comment on Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection by E. Makinen.pdf38.93KB
Making a hash of things.pdf38.84KB
Something smells fishy.pdf38.54KB
Not worthy.pdf38.3KB
Obfuscated dechiper routine analysis using theorem prover towards effective trusted computing.pdf31.02KB
Rootkits - The new wave of invisible malware is here.pdf30.32KB
Nimda Worm Shows You Can't Always Patch Fast Enough.pdf24.48KB
Real-Time Virus Detection System Using iNetmon Engine.pdf21.19KB