3.93 GB
2008-5-16 05:28
2025-1-22 14:34
Elements of geometry (1895).rar20.84MB
Elements of geometry (1899).rar25.31MB
Elements of geometry (1885, c1884).rar31.03MB
Rational geometry; a text-book for the science of space; based on Hilbert's foundations (1904).rar26.27MB
Geometric properties completely characterizing all the curves in a plane along which the constrained motion is such that the pressure is proportional to the normal component of the acting force (1917).rar4.16MB
Elements of geometry and conic sections (1858).rar23.38MB
Elements of geometry and plane trigonometry. With an appendix, and copious notes and illustrations (1817).rar45.36MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry with applications in mensuration (c1886).rar29.45MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry ([1834]).rar45.84MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry (1834).rar44.75MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry (1851).rar44.9MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry from the works of A.M. Legendre adapted to the course of mathematical instruction in the United States (1872, c1862).rar38.55MB
Elements of geometry and trigonometry from the works of A.M. Legendre.rar38.07MB
Elements of geometry containing books I to III (1886).rar11.31MB
Elements of geometry containing the first six books of Euclid, with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle.rar33.97MB
Elements of geometry for the use of beginners (1885).rar12.88MB
Elements of geometry for the use of schools (1854).rar6.5MB
Elements of geometry, and plane and spherical trigonometry. with numerous practical problems (1860).rar58.81MB
Elements of geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, and conic sections (1854).rar29.11MB
Elements of geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, and conic sections (1858 [c1850]).rar42.37MB
Elements of geometry, plane and spherical with numerous practical problems (1868).rar27.28MB
Elements of geometry; with practical applications to mensuration (1868 [c1858]).rar32.52MB
Elements of plane analytical geometry (1890).rar85.76MB
Elements of plane and solid geometry (1885, c1877).rar36.68MB
Elements of plane geometry ([1901]).rar23.87MB
Elements of plane geometry ([c1882]).rar15.55MB
Elements of plane geometry (1872, c1871).rar17.85MB
Elements of projective geometry ([1922]).rar15.35MB
Elements of projective geometry (1885).rar39.27MB
Elements of projective geometry (1893).rar23.22MB
Elements of projective geometry. Translated by Charles Leudesdorf (1885).rar34.92MB
Elements of solid geometry ([1912]).rar8.75MB
Elements of synthetic solid geometry (1893).rar10.32MB
Elements of synthetic solid geometry (1893)2.rar15.12MB
Elements of synthetic solid geometry; (1893).rar21.29MB
Engineering descriptive geometry; a treatise on descriptive geometry as the basis of mechanical drawing, explaining geometrically the operations customary in the draughting room (1910).rar24.95MB
Essentials Of Plane Trigonometry And Analytic Geometry (1934).rar6.6MB
Euclid books I, II (1883).rar7.78MB
Euclid's book On divisions of figures (peri diaipeseon biblion) with a restoration based on Woepcke's text and on the Practica geometriae of Leonardo Pisano (1915).rar12.16MB
Euclid's book On divisions of figures ... with a restoration based on Woepcke's text and on the Practica geometriae of Leonardo Pisano (1915).rar12.26MB
Euclid's elements books I, II, III (1902).rar15.7MB
Euclids elements of geometry (1893).rar41.61MB
Euclid's elements of geometry... (1871).rar37.77MB
Examples of analytical geometry (1878).rar6.75MB
Famous problems of elementary geometry; the duplication of the cube, the trisection of an angle; the quadrature of the circle; ([1897]).rar5.88MB
Final report of the National Committee of Fifteen on geometry syllabus. July, 1912 (1913]).rar10.39MB
First lessons in geometry (1855).rar15.89MB
First lessons in geometry (1855)2.rar14.74MB
First six books of the Elements of Euclid and Propositions 1-21 of book XI, and an appendix on the cylinder, sphere, cone [etc.] (1890).rar27.87MB
First steps in geometry (1902, c1901).rar16.95MB
Geometric Algebra ( 00, 1957).rar8.37MB
Geometric exercises for algebraic solution; second year mathematics for secondary schools (1907).rar5.36MB
Geometrical exercises in paper folding (1893).rar14.6MB
Geometrical Probability ( 00, 1963).rar4.3MB
Geometrical researches on the theory of parallels (1914).rar5.76MB
Geometry and collineation groups of the finite projective plane PG (2,2²) .. (1914]).rar7.09MB
Geometry and faith; a supplement to the Ninth Bridgewater treatise (1882).rar12.21MB
Geometry and trigonometry (c1917).rar31.16MB
Geometry for Schools; theoretical ([1904]).rar26.46MB
Geometry in modern life, being the substance of two lectures on useful geometry, given before the Literary Society at Eton (1878).rar11.53MB
Geometry in space, containing parts of Euclid's eleventh and twelfth books and some properties of polyhedra and solids of revolution, with exercises. Edited by R.C.J. Nixon (1888).rar13.57MB
Geometry Of Four Dimensions ( 00, 1914).rar14.51MB
Geometry Of Four Dimensions Vol II ( 00, 1930).rar15.48MB
Geometry the elements of Euclid and Legendre simplified and arranged to exclude from geomtrical reasoning the reductio ad absurdum.rar27.04MB
Greek geometry from Thales to Euclid (1877-1885).rar19.81MB
Hawney's Complete measurer, or, The whole art of measuring.rar30.81MB
Higher geometry; an introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry ([c1922]) 2.rar57.16MB
Higher geometry; an introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry ([c1922]).rar31.61MB
Higher geometry; an introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry (c1922).rar40.66MB
History of the teaching of elementary geometry, with reference to present-day problems (n.d.]).rar22.16MB
Inductive plane geometry, with numerous exercises, theorems, and problems for advance work (1902).rar20.13MB
Intrinsic Geometry Of Ideal Space Vol II ( 00, 1935).rar26.37MB
Introduction to analytic geometry ([1905]).rar27.03MB
Introduction To Non Euclidean Geometry. ( 00, 1945).rar7.92MB
Introductory modern geometry of point, ray, and circle (1892).rar12.22MB
Introductory modern geometry of point, ray, and circle (1893).rar24.05MB
Inventional geometry; a series of problems, intended to familiarize the pupil with geometrical conceptions, and to exercise his inventive faculty (1877).rar11.86MB
Kummer's quartic surface (1905).rar19.37MB
Lectures On Fundamental Concepts Of Algebra And Geometry ( 00, 1917).rar7.97MB
Lectures on mathematics, delivered from September 2 to 5, 1903.rar19.97MB
Lectures on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces (1920).rar43.13MB
Lectures on the geometry of position (1898).rar24.09MB
Lessons in geometry for the use of beginners (c1887).rar20.19MB
Manual of plane geometry, on the heuristic plan with numerous extra exercises, both theorems and problems, for advance work (1891).rar20.6MB
Marks' first lessons in geometry, objectively presented (1869).rar19.65MB
Mathematical recreations and essays (1917).rar62.8MB
Mathematical tracts (1888).rar8.95MB
Mathematics for engineering students (1908).rar27.93MB
Mathematics for engineering students Plane and solid geometry (1908).rar20.39MB
Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol I ( 00, 1953).rar105.91MB
Methods Of Algebraic Geometry Vol III ( 00, 1954).rar93.27MB
Modern geometry (1908).rar14.43MB
Multilinear functions of direction and their uses in differential geometry (1921) 2.rar10.18MB
Multilinear functions of direction and their uses in differential geometry (1921).rar7.92MB
Nattes's practical geometry, or, Introduction to perspective (1805).rar16.42MB
Non-Euclidean geometry (1901) 2.rar9.68MB
Non-Euclidean geometry (1901).rar11.25MB
Non-Euclidean geometry; a critical and historical study of its development (1912).rar20.99MB
Non-Euclidean geometry; a critical and historical study of its development. Authorized English translation with additional appendices (1912).rar23.64MB
Notebook on practical solid or descriptive geometry, containing problems with help for solutions (1880).rar16.83MB
Notes on elements of (analytical) solid geometry (1891 [c1879).rar8.85MB
Numerical problems in descriptive geometry, for class and drawing room practice (1907 [c1905]).rar13.33MB
Numerical problems in plane geometry with metric and logarithmic tables (1897).rar14.68MB
Observational geometry (c1899).rar29.49MB
On teaching geometry (1900).rar4.99MB
Original exercises in plane and solid geometry ([c1905]).rar11.79MB
Plane geometry; experiment, classification, discovery, application .. ([c1922]).rar32.6MB
Plane and solid analytic geometry (1921)2.rar58.38MB
Plane and solid geometry inductive method (1898).rar35.21MB
Plane and solid geometry ([1899]).rar40.51MB
Plane and solid geometry ([c1907]).rar47.21MB
Plane and solid geometry ([c1908]).rar34.89MB
Plane and solid geometry ([c1916]).rar46.18MB
Plane and solid geometry (1908).rar21.06MB
Plane and solid geometry suggestive method ([c1894]).rar38.5MB
Plane and solid geometry, suggestive method ([c1912]).rar41.73MB
Plane geometry ([c1911]).rar36.3MB
Plane geometry ([c1912]).rar38.54MB
Plane geometry ([c1920]).rar36.11MB
Plane geometry (1913).rar25.9MB
Plane geometry (1916).rar30.66MB
Plane geometry (c1906).rar29.02MB
Plane geometry (c1913).rar38.57MB
Plane geometry developed by the syllabus method ([c1909]).rar21.92MB
Plane geometry, with problems and applications (1910).rar28.85MB
Plane geometry. I. Abridged and applied. II. College preparatory ([1920]).rar48.82MB
Plane and solid analytic geometry (1921).rar45.02MB
Practical and theoretical geometry part III (1908).rar7.63MB
Practical descriptive geometry (1912).rar27.89MB
Practical descriptive geometry (1916).rar21.6MB
Practical exercises in geometry (1903).rar41.49MB
Practical geometry and engineering drawing (1875).rar13.5MB
Practical geometry and graphics ([1912]).rar61.55MB
Practical geometry and graphics (1912).rar72.11MB
Practical plane and solid geometry for advanced students, including graphic statics, adapted to the requirements of the South Kensington syllabus (1899).rar38.03MB
Primary elements of plane and solid geometry for schools and academies ([c1862]).rar9.53MB
Principles of geometry, familiarly illustrated, and applied to a variety of useful purposes, designed for the instruction of young persons (1833).rar13.6MB
Principles of modern geometry with numerous applications to plane and spherical figures.rar28.88MB
Principles of modern geometry, with numerious applications to plane and spherical figures; and an appendix, containing questions for exercise. Intended chiefly for the use of junior students (1862).rar21.19MB
Principles of plane geometry (1897, c1889).rar5.76MB
Problems in descriptive geometry for class and drawing room; a collection of over 900 definite problems, for students in engineering and technical schools.rar24.43MB
Projective differential geometry of curves and ruled surfaces (1906).rar34.25MB
Projective differential geometry of curves and ruled surfaces (1906)2.rar44.74MB
Projective Differential Geometry Of Curves And Surfaces (1932).rar10.71MB
Projective geometry (1914).rar21.11MB
Projective geometry (1917).rar19.44MB
Projective geometry (Volume 1) ([1910-18]).rar41.02MB
Projective geometry (Volume 2) ([1910-18]).rar69.08MB
Prolegomena to analytical geometry in anisotropic Euclidean space of three dimensions (1922).rar50.5MB
Public school Euclid and Algebra ([1894]).rar14.03MB