Nomads of Central Eurasia
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Nomads of Central Eurasia.torrent
Allsen Thomas T., Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia (2001, 262, 0-521-80335-7, ebook).pdf1.88MB
Beckwith Christopher I., Empires of the Silk Road (2009, 501, 978-0-691-13589-2, ebook).pdf3.81MB
Bryant Edwin, The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture (2001, 400, 0-19-513777-9, OCR).pdf27.24MB
Buell Paul D., Historical Dictionary of the Mongol World Empire (2003, 381, 0-8108-4571-7).pdf17.25MB
Cosmo N.D., Ancient China and Its Enemies (2004, 381, 0-511-04077-6, ebook).pdf4.53MB
Cosmo Nicola Di., Warfare in Inner Asian History, 500-1800 (2002, 456, 9-004-11949-3).doc2.9MB
Drews Robert, Early Riders. The beginnings of mounted warfare in Asia and Europe (2004, 210, 0-203-38760-0, ebook).pdf3.09MB
Findley Carter V., The Turks in World History (2005, 317, 0-19-516770-8, ebook).pdf6.76MB
Grousset Rene, The Empire of the Steppes. A History of Central Asia (1970, 632, 8135-0627-1).doc5.54MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 1 (1992, 537, 92-3-102719-0, no OCR).pdf16.13MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 2 (1994, 575, 92-3-102846-4, no OCR).pdf18.18MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 3 (1996, 571, 92-3-103211-9, ebook).pdf9.65MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 4, Part 1 (1998, 487, 92-3-103467-7, OCR).pdf11.36MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 4, Part 2 (2000, 702, 92-3-103654-8, OCR).pdf21.09MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 5 (2003, 936, 92-3-103876-1, ebook).pdf13.42MB
History of civilizations of Central Asia. Volume 6 (2005, 1036, 92-3-103985-7, ebook).pdf36.53MB
Impact of the Environment on Human Migration in Eurasia (2004, 347, 1-4020-2656-0, ebook).pdf4.49MB
Kennedy Hugh, Mongols, Huns and Vikings. Nomads at War (2002, 231, 0-304-35292-6, OCR).pdf91.63MB
Kohl Philip L., The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia (2006, 321, 0-511-27004-6, ebook).pdf11.54MB
Koryakova L., Epimakhov A. V. The Urals and Western Siberia in the Bronze and Iron Ages (2006, 409, 0-511-26996-X, ebook).pdf17.88MB
Kuzmina Elena E., The Origin of the Indo-Iranians (2007, 782, 978-90-04-16054-5, ebook).pdf20.13MB
Kuzmina Elena E., The Prehistory of the Silk Road (2008, 248, 0-8122-4041-3, no OCR 2 pages).pdf22.92MB
Linder Rudi Paul, Explorations in Ottoman Prehistory (2007, 150, 0-472-09507-2, no OCR).pdf1.83MB
Millward James A.. Eurasian Crossroads. A History of Xinjiang (2007, 462, 0-231-13924-1, ebook).pdf14.29MB
Mongols, Turks, and Others. Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World (2005, 572, 90-04-14096-4, ebook).pdf4.26MB
Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age (1995, 399, 1-885979-00-2, OCR).pdf34.8MB
Perdue Peter C., China Marches West. The Qing conquest of Central Eurasia (2005, 748, 0-674-01684-x, ebook).pdf4.75MB
Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia. Monuments, Metals, and Mobility (2009, 439, 978-0-511-60507-9, ebook).pdf8.55MB
The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia, (1990, 504, 0-521-24304-1, OCR).pdf26.19MB
Vasary Istvan, Cumans and Tatars. Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans, 1185–1365 (2005, 247, 0-511-11147-9, ebook).pdf4.37MB
West M. L., Indo-European Poetry and Myth (2007, 540, 978–0–19–928075–9, ebook).pdf3.36MB
Вовина В. Г. и др., История Золотой Орды. Сборник Материалов (2003, 224, 5-8015-0163-0, no OCR).pdf6.61MB
Гаркавец А. Н. , Великая Степь в античных и византийских источниках. Сборник материалов (2005, 1304, 5-7667-3603-8, ebook).pdf18.57MB
Груссе Рене, Империя степей. Аттила, Чингисхан, Тамерлан. Часть 1 (2005, 286, 9965-664-31-5, no OCR).pdf20.18MB
Груссе Рене, Империя степей. Аттила, Чингисхан, Тамерлан. Часть 2 (2005, 336, 9965-664-32-3, no OCR).pdf21.79MB
Гудзь-Марков А. В., Индоевропейцы Евразии и славяне (2004, 464, 5-9533-0486-2, ebook 2 pages).pdf9.7MB
Древние цивилизации Евразии. История и культура (2001, 464, 5-02-018211-7, no OCR).pdf60.33MB
Кляшторный С. Г., Султанов Т. И., Казахстан. Летопись трех тысячелетий (1992, 378, 5-625-02160-0, no OCR).pdf35.96MB
Крадин Н. Н., Империя Хунну (2001, 312, 5-94010-124-0).doc2.01MB
Мэн Джон, Чингисхан. Жизнь, смерть и воскрешение (2006, 416, 5-699-13936-2, ebook 2 pages).pdf13.54MB
Паркер Эдуард, Татары. История возникновения великого народа (2008, 223, 978-5-9524-3631-2, ebook 2 pages).pdf4.5MB
Райс Тамара Т., Сельджуки. Кочевники - завоеватели Малой Азии (2004, 238, 5-9524-0949-0, no OCR).pdf9.8MB
Сулимирский Тадеуш, Сарматы. Древний народ юга России (2008, 191, 978-5-9524-3712-8, ebook 2 pages).pdf9.78MB
Томпсон Эдвард А., Гунны. Грозные воины степей (2008, 256, 978-5-9524-3492-9, ebook 2 pages).pdf5.46MB
Филлипс Э. Д., Монголы. Основатели империи Великих ханов (2003, 174, 5-9524-0532-0, ebook 2 pages).pdf8.22MB
Хазанов А. М., Кочевники и внешний мир. Изд. 3-е (2002, 604, 9965-441-18-9, OCR).pdf5.54MB