Linguistics books
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Linguistics books.torrent
Brown (ed) - Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition, vol 1-14.pdf211.45MB
Brown (ed)- Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition (Elsevier,Nov 2005).pdf211.45MB
Brown (ed)_Encyclopedia of Linguistics.pdf210.91MB
Partee, B. H. ; Portner, P. Blackwell - Formal Semantics. The Essential Readings (Partee, B. H. ; Portner, P. -Blackwell,2002).pdf54.02MB
Campbell - American Indian Languages ~ The historical linguistics of native America.pdf45.5MB
Butler et al (eds) - The Dynamics of Language Use ~ Functional and contrastive perspectives.pdf38.82MB
Akmaijan et al - Linguistics ~ An Introduction to Language and Communication.pdf23.14MB
Gendler Szabó - Semantics Versus Pragmatics.pdf22.89MB
Campbell_The World's Languages.pdf17.65MB
Giorgi; Pianesi_Tense and Aspect From Semantics to Morphosyntax.pdf16.76MB
Hoffmann&Ytsma (eds) - Trilingualism in Family School and Community.pdf15.25MB
Partridge - The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang.pdf14.5MB
Wang Li - A Dictionary Of The Origins Of Chinese Words.pdf12.78MB
Hickey (ed) - Legacies of Colonial English (Transported dialects).pdf12.17MB
todd, loreto - an introduction to linguistics.pdf11.44MB
Mallory&Adams - The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European.pdf10.96MB
Tannen, D. (1996) - That's Not What I Meant.pdf9.43MB
Aronoff; Rees-Miller_The Handbook of Linguistics.pdf8.64MB
Adams - The Regional Diversification of Latin.pdf8.52MB
Julien_Syntactic Heads and Word Formation.pdf7.7MB
Cook - Applied Linguistics.pdf7.38MB
Mugglestone - The Oxford History Of English.pdf7.08MB
Bussmann_Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics.pdf6.98MB
wang li - modern grammar of chinese.pdf6.47MB
Vanhove (ed) - From Polysemy to Semantic Change.pdf6.44MB
Culicover; Jackendoff_Simpler Syntax.pdf6.37MB
Baker - In Other Words ~ A Coursebook on Translation.pdf6.09MB
Yule_pragmatics .pdf5.76MB
Simpson - Language Through Literature.pdf5.75MB
verschueren, jef et al. - handbook of pragmatics.pdf5.74MB
VAn_VALIN_Investigations of the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface.pdf5.67MB
Taylor - Text-to-Speech Synthesis.pdf5.62MB
Crystal - Just a Phrase I'm Going Through.pdf5.31MB
van der Merwe et al - A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar.pdf5.23MB
Ford et al (eds) - The Language of Turn and Sequence.pdf5.14MB
Bod et al (eds) - Probabilistic Linguistics.pdf5.1MB
Anderson - The Grammar Of Names.pdf4.99MB
Pinker_How The Mind Works.pdf4.96MB
Smead - Vocabulary Vaquero - Cowboy Talk ~ A Dictionary of Spanish Terms from the American West.pdf4.69MB
Baltin and Collins_Contemporary Syntactic Theory.pdf4.67MB
Pinker_The Language Instinct—How the Mind Creates Language.pdf4.59MB
Orel - A Handbook of Germanic Etymology.pdf4.55MB
Malmkjaer, Kirsten (ed) - The Linguistics Encyclopedia.pdf4.45MB
Koerner - Toward a History of American Linguistics.pdf4.44MB
Dickey - Latin Forms of Address ~ From Plautus to Apuleius.pdf4.39MB
Dixon&Aikhenvald (eds) - Adjective Classes ~ A Cross-Linguistic Typology.pdf4.19MB
Ramchand G., Reiss C.(eds) Linguistics Interfaces.pdf4.03MB
Naughton - Czech An Essential Grammar.pdf3.98MB
Penney (ed) - Indo-European Perspectives ~ Studies in Honour of Anna Morpurgo Davies.pdf3.89MB
Holmes&Meyerhoff (eds) - The Handbook Of Language And Gender.pdf3.87MB
MacDonald - The Syntactic Nature of Inner Aspect ~ A minimalist perspective.pdf3.85MB
Walker&Taylor - The Columbia Guide to Online Style.pdf3.83MB
Crystal_Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics.pdf3.82MB
Stuart-Smith - Phonetics and Philology ~ Sound Change in Italic.pdf3.81MB
La Porta&Shulman (eds) - Poetics of Grammar.pdf3.8MB
Crystal - A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics.pdf3.78MB
Rodrigo (ed) - Topics in Language Resources for Translation and Localisation.pdf3.68MB
Bhat - Pronouns.pdf3.58MB
Eckert&McConnell-Ginet - Language And Gender.pdf3.51MB
Bybee - Frequency of Use and the Organization of Language.pdf3.36MB
Beaver&Clark - Sense and Sensitivity ~ How Focus Determines Meaning.pdf3.27MB
Stockwell&Minkova - English Words ~ History And Structure.pdf3.1MB
Casad&Palmer (eds) - Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo-European Languages.pdf3.05MB
Stanley - Language in Context.pdf3.05MB
Ferraresi&Goldbach (eds) - Principles of Syntactic Reconstruction.pdf2.93MB
Frajzyngier&Curl (eds) - Reciprocals ~ Forms and functions.pdf2.92MB
Radford-Atkinson-Britain-Clahsen-Spencer_linguistics an introduction.pdf2.91MB
Lymbery - Colloquial Italian.pdf2.89MB
Ramchand_Verb Meaning.pdf2.81MB
Cook - Socializing Identities through Speech Style.pdf2.79MB
Allan&Burridge - Forbidden Words.pdf2.76MB
Miestamo&Walchli (eds) - New Challanges in Typology ~ Broadening the horizons and redefining the foundations.pdf2.74MB
Crystal - English as a Global Language.pdf2.64MB
Kroeger - Analyzing grammar.pdf2.6MB
Gonzalez - Pragmatic Markers in Oral Narrative ~ The case of English and Catalan.pdf2.43MB
Hutchinson&Lloyd - Portuguese Essential Grammar.pdf2.42MB
Sturgeon - The Left Periphery ~ The interaction of syntax, pragmatics and prosody in Czech.pdf2.36MB
Gries&Stefanowitsch (eds) - Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics ~ Corpus-based approaches to syntax and lexis.pdf2.34MB
Jones&gade - Colloquial Danish.pdf2.22MB
Joosten&Rey (eds) - Conservatism and Innovation in the Hebrew Language of the Hellenistic Period.pdf2.21MB
Haegeman_Thinking Syntactically A Guide to Argumentation and Analysis.pdf2.19MB
Pearson - Terms in Context.pdf2.05MB
Jay - Why We Curse.pdf2.03MB
Hackett - An Introduction To Ancient Greek.pdf2.03MB
Linell - The Written Language Bias in Linguistics ~ Its nature, origins and transformations.pdf2.01MB
Barden&Williams - Words and Symbols ~ Language and Communication in Therapy.pdf2MB
Barden&Williams - Words And Symbols.pdf2MB
Lang&Perez - Modern French Grammar.pdf1.97MB
Diessel - Demonstratives ~ Form, function and grammaticalization.pdf1.96MB
Llamas et al (eds) - The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics.pdf1.95MB
Prevost&Paradis (eds) - The Aquisition of French in Different Contexts ~ Focus on functional categories.pdf1.91MB
Ariel_Mira_Pragmatics and Grammar.pdf1.89MB
Ariel - Pragmatics and Grammar.pdf1.89MB
Mailhammer - The Germanic Strong Verbs.pdf1.89MB
Noam Chomsky - Logical syntax and semantics, Their linguistic relevance.pdf1.79MB
Bauer - An Introduction to International Varieties of English.pdf1.77MB
Hurford; Heasley; Smith_Semantics A Coursebook.pdf1.74MB
Johnson - Introduction to Transformational Grammar.pdf1.74MB
Meissner - S-stem Nouns and Adjectives in Greek and Proto-Indo-European.pdf1.73MB
Trask, Concepts in Language and Linguistics.pdf1.73MB
Restall_Logic An Introduction.pdf1.67MB
Cobley (ed)_The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics.pdf1.62MB
Verspoor&Sauter - English Sentence Analysis ~ An introductory course.pdf1.57MB
Clackson - Indo-European Linguistics ~ An introduction.pdf1.56MB
Clapman_Routledge-Key Ideas Linguistics Philosophy Language.pdf1.55MB
Hutton - Linguistics and the Third Reich ~ Mother-tongue Fascism, Race and the Science of Language.pdf1.55MB
Gauker - Words without meaning.pdf1.53MB
Eddington - Spanish Phonology and Morphology.pdf1.47MB
Cavanaugh - Living memory ~ The social aesthetics of language in a Northern Italian town.pdf1.41MB
Embleton et al (eds) - The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences ~ Historiographical perspectives.pdf1.33MB
Nesset - Abstract Phonology in a Concrete Model ~ Cognitive linguistics and the morphology-phonology interface.pdf1.21MB
Farrell - Latin language & latin culture.pdf1.14MB
Bybee - Phonology and language use.pdf1.14MB
Allen - Intertextuality.pdf1.08MB
Lambalgen; Hamm_Proper Treatment of Events.pdf1.05MB
Wilton - Word Myths - Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends.pdf1.05MB
Cruse_A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics.pdf1010.01KB
Masataka (ed) - The Origins of Language.pdf976.76KB
Reiter&Placencia - Spanish Pragmatics.pdf973.08KB
Aitchison - Language Change - Progress or Decay.pdf912.13KB
Cotterill (ed) - The Language of Sexual Crime.pdf903.22KB
Byrnes et al (eds) - Educating for Advanced Foreign Language Capacities.pdf901.57KB
Tokuhama-Espinosa - Living Languages (Multilingualism).pdf881.38KB
Mills - Language and Sexism.pdf858.1KB
Campbell&Mixco - A Glossary of Historical Linguistics.pdf831.91KB
toso, fiorenzo - appunti di linguistica.pdf798.28KB
Cutting - Vague Language Explored.pdf727.12KB
Kirkman - Punctuation matters.pdf688.69KB
Rothstein_Structuring Events A Study in the Semantics of Aspect.pdf615.63KB
wallace, david (ed.) - the cambridge history of medieval english literature.pdf327.25KB
Babby “The syntax of argument structure”.pdf219.2KB
Höfler_The Origins of Old English Morphology.pdf157.25KB
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